Our holistic approach to healthy living has 4 pillars:

Get active. Eat well. Relax often. Smile big.


Catherine Ramsay

Founder of Four Your Health, Inc., Catherine Ramsay strongly believes that in order to achieve optimal health one must adopt a well-rounded fitness and lifestyle approach. Catherine’s wellness philosophy emphasizes the importance of incorporating physical activity, nutritious food, fun and relaxation into your daily routine to ensure your overall well-being. Catherine is a highly qualified C.S.E.P Certified Personal Trainer, with an array of fitness certifications. She specializes in core conditioning, functional training, weight-loss and postural corrective exercise. 

It was with this understanding and her client’s best interests in mind that lead Catherine to partner up with qualified practitioners from other disciplines and create a “one-stop shop” for all your wellness needs.


University Degree

  • Specialized Honours in Kinesiology and Health Science - York University


  • Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology Certified Personal Trainer

  • Exercise Coach - CHEK Institute

  • C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 1 & 2

  • Scientific Core Conditioning 

  • Scientific Back Training

  • Program Design

  • Advanced Program Design

  • Equal But Not The Same (considerations for training women)

  • The Art and Science of Stretching 

  • Movement X- New York City (Ido Portal)

  • Nutrition and Wellness Specialist (Canfit Pro)

  • Zumba Certification

  • AquaFit Certification 

  • Big Bang Exercises .


Magdalene Lewandowski

I’m Magda, a former UofT Cheerleader, recreational powerlifting athlete and a fitness enthusiast. I completed my Bachelor in Kinesiology at the University of Toronto and proceeded with a Post-Grad at Humber College in Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management. I am experienced with a variety of clientele from young adolescents with mental or physical impairments to older individuals who have had knee replacements. I truly feel I have uncovered my passion to help guide others and provide them with the tools necessary to achieve their physical/mental goals. 

I currently volunteer at the Canadian Sport Institute where I have helped run the RBC Training Grounds summit, assisted in biomechanics projects for Canada's Wheelchair Basketball and also was part of the seasonal testing of Volleyball Canada. Currently as a Registered Kinesiologist and a Certified Personal Trainer at Four Your Health I can continue to pursue my passion in helping others not only move better but feel better mentally and physically.


Faye Hinds

Faye Hinds is a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, and nutritionist, helping individuals of all ages and backgrounds achieve their nutrition and fitness goals for over a decade.

She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Saint Francis Xavier University and is a Master of Science in Nutrition candidate at the University of New England.

In September 2020, she will begin the Doctor of Naturopathy program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Faye specializes in training women of all ages, focusing on nutrition and functional exercises to make women feel and look their best at every age!

Her mission is to empower women to create sustainable solutions for lasting health and body confidence.


Kim Hasselfeldt

Kim offers classes where students can relax and clear their minds, while still being challenged. She loves blending different worlds of movement to deliver what the physical body needs.

When Kim began her yoga journey in 2006, she moved through daily life with constant back pain. Kim had scoliosis and poor posture that could be observed in the way she walked. Yoga freed her of that and showed me benefits far beyond just physical.

She’s completed her initial teacher training in 2010 in Toronto. Since then, Kim’s expanded her education and knowledge with various styles and teachers in Canada and India. She commits to ongoing learning for her students and her own personal yoga journey.

Kim’s passion for helping others inspires her to hold space for fun, creative, and safe practices that accommodate every individual yogi.

Sara Pukal

M.OMSc., Owner and Manual Osteopath at SMT Classical Osteopathy Inc. and Mind-Body Fitness Instructor

Sara owns and works full-time as a Manual Osteopathic Practitioner at SMT Classical Osteopathy Inc. at Kingston & Markham Rd.  After completing her undergrad and earning a bachelors of science at the University of Toronto, she spent 4 years at Osteopathy College learning in class and at the student clinic, academic and practical skills that make her the great Osteopath she is today.  Everyone can benefit from the hands-on gentle healing approach osteopathic care offers.  Sara’s patients are of all ages and variant conditions, including body pain, joint misalignments, headaches, digestive disturbances and so much more.  The hands-on approach of Osteopath uses objective findings to improve bony and tissue alignment, restoring blood flow and drainage, creating the ultimate healing environment for body, mind and spirit.   

Sara has been teaching group fitness since February 2013.  She started teaching at the University of Toronto and transitioned to teaching at GoodLife Fitness for the last 6 years.  Sara is currently teaching online body-awareness and strength at For Your Health.  With her extensive knowledge of the human body and functional movement, Sara brings an element of body awareness and strength to every class she teaches.